Our team’s focus is on helping Accelerator companies grow and thrive in the Treasure Valley. While the team has much diversity in expertise and experience, we share a common passion for working with entrepreneurs and building sustainable companies.

Marie Baker
Regional Director: Nampa Business Accelerator
Marie joined the SBDC in March of 2019.
Marie Baker is passionate about entrepreneurs and their journey. Marie’s skill set is the ability to work collaboratively and assist clients with achieving their goals.
Marie received her BS in Business from Fresno State and Master’s Degree in Organizational Development from University of San Francisco. Marie spent five years in banking before starting her own business. Combining her education and experience, Marie went on to consult, coach, and educate small businesses in the Central Valley of California before moving to Idaho.
In her spare time, you will find her hiking, volunteering on a local Rotary project, visiting family, or enjoying the great outdoors with her husband and dog.

Ruth Schwartz
Lead Consultant: Boise Business Accelerator
Ruth Schwartz joined the Idaho SBDC in March of 2020, She has been a life-long entrepreneur and business owner. She spent 25 years in the music industry: radio, publishing, producing, retail.
Most notably, Ruth started, built and sold a $10 million, wholesale, music, distribution company. She has owned and operated a leadership training and coaching company, a debt collection company and an Amazon store.
Ruth is a Professionally Certified Business Leadership Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation and is the author of the book, The Key to the Golden Handcuffs: Stop Being a Slave to Your Business. She is certified in over four assessment sciences and the creator of the Fail Proof Hiring Program. She is a Distinguished Toastmaster and a member of the National Speakers’ Association.
Hailing from the Sierra Foothills in Northern California, Ruth taught at the Sierra Commons Business Incubator and became a consultant with the California SBDC before her move to Idaho in 2017.

Marissa Goff
Management Assistant
Marissa has worked for the Idaho SBDC for 16 years. She recently took on a new role as a Region 3 Management Assistant and Training Coordinator. Marissa is currently going back to school to get her Bachelor of Accountancy.